Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Currently Craving: Summer nail polish colors

Most people when it comes to summer get excited for laying out by the pool, BBQ's, and relaxing. I, on the other hand, get excited to whip out the fun, flirty nail polish colors. Don't get me wrong, I love all those other things as well... But sometimes it's just so refreshing to have freshly painted nails and tootsies. Here are a few of my favorite color pairing for summer time fun. 

1. Simple and Classic

Perfect color scheme if you don't want to draw to much attention to your nails, but still have them look clean and polished. Check out this website to see what nude color you should wear with your skin color. Nude Nail Polish Guide.

2. Firey Reds
Need something that pops? Go with a bold, sexy red. I love having red on my toe nails. Personally, I think red looks best on short/medium length nails. Fun fact...the use of red nail polish has been registered as early as the 15th century, when it was told
that members of the Ming dynasty's royalty used red and black to paint their nails

3. Summer Corals 

My top pick for summer is always a shade of coral. The color isn't has girly as a pink, but not as dramatic as a red. I also think it makes my tan look darker... I might be imaging things though. :)

4. Ocean Blues

I'm not a big fan of having cool color shades on my nails or toes... That being said, I do like how it looks on other people.  The bright blues make me want to jump into a nice cool pool. 

5. Sunshine Yellow's 

Again... Not my favorite for myself. Some people are able to pull it off and it looks great. I'll keep the yellow's for my summer tops and dresses.  

Overall, I think I'm going to stick with the nudes, reds, and corals. While interning I try to keep my nails clean and professional looking. However, I tend to use the brighter colors on my toenails. Check out Refinery29 to see more tips on what shades are hot for summer. What are your favorite shades to keep you looking cool by the pool?

xoxo Courtney

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