Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer where art thou?

Summer, oh summer where are you? Oh, you are only one final away. On Wednesday I have my last final and am officially halfway done with my junior year. Yes, that is correct. In December I will be going into my senior year. Holy cow. That is crazy. Anyways, besides me going into a mini-panic attack as I am writing this, I was about to make my goals/to do list for this summer. Don't worry it's not long...

1. Have a successful internship. My summer's stress level/happiness depends on this little number. Last week I received the chance to intern as an event planner at Downtown Topeka Inc. I will be promoting and planning events that happen in the Downtown Topeka area. I am super excited for this experience!

Every Friday I will blog about what has happened throughout the week. Not that you all care... However, I'm required to keep a journal, so what better way to do that than via blogging!

2. Finish my weight loss project. For the past year I have been trying to lose weight and become healthier. Well.... I am 8ish-10ish, depending on the day, pounds away from my goal. I WILL MAKE IT THIS SUMMER! Besides planning my little heart out at the internship, my only other plan is to workout and eat healthier.

3. Run a 5K. This goes along with my second goal, only a little more in-depth. An old friend from The Domestic Wannabe has been blogging about a program she used called C25K. She just finished a 5K on Mother's Day, woot woot! The program is 9 weeks long and seems pretty doable. I'm a little nervous because I have never really ran for fun... but I will do this.

4.  Catch up with an old friend. Whenever I go back home I always try to hang out with old friends from high school. Every year it gets harder and harder to keep in-touch. However, my best friend Nat and I always seem to be able to pick up right where we left off. I'm looking forward to hearing about her adventures in Lawrence.

Our first of many outings together sophomore year.

Four years later we're still besties. This is us last summer in Lawrence. 

I can't wait to see what this summer as in store for me. I feel like it is going to be very busy, but beneficial to my career. Hopefully, I'll be able to take time to catch up with friends, catch some rays and enjoy life. What do you have planned for this summer?


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