Coffee Date by on">
Lately I have started a horrible and costly addiction... Getting daily coffee. It started out as being just a couple times a week, but now it has spiraled out of control and has become a daily ritual. From a health standpoint it's not bad. I just get a small coffee with 2 tbls with skim milk, no sugar. For my bank account it is adding up though. I spend about $2 a day... That's around $14 a week...$56 a month... $672 a year. Just seeing that written out makes me nauseous. I have decided to take this addiction by the horns and stop it before it gets up to $672 a year. Instead I'm going to try and save that money for when I'm out of college and actually having to live on my own... That's about a months rent... Rent vs. a year of coffee... Tough choice. I'm sure I'll appreciate it later on though. I can't just stop my addiction cold turkey though. I'm still going to drink coffee... just not buy it from a coffee shop everyday. I'll keep you updated on how it goes. Today was day 1 and it was hard not to stop by the coffee shop between class, but I succeeded.
I was thinking about getting one of these cups. Maybe if I get one I'll make my iced coffee at home, but be able to take it to class. It would only cost one time fee of $9.99+ coffee... A lot better than $672. And it's earth friendly! |
Hopefully with the money saved up I can buy the super cute dress and cardi in the picture up above! I have been designing different outfits on Polyvore. This site is amazing and it is making me very excited for spring! Enjoy hump day tomorrow!
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