Monday, March 14, 2011

Best boyfriend award goes to...

My boyfriend. I don't mean to brag but I think I have the best boyfriend in the world... He is just so sweet I thought I'd dedicate a post to him. I suppose you're wondering what makes this guy so amazing right? Well... because I say so. In case you need more proof though I suppose I'll share one of the reasons. He sent me flowers the other day at work... just because. Sweet right? Yeah it is. He even got them with one of my favorite flowers, lilies. I didn't even know guys listened when you tell them your favorite flowers. Mine does. :) Ok enough of the bragging. I hope I brightened his day like he does mine. Love you.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Living Room Plan

Living Room Plan
Living Room Plan by on

Earlier this month I mentioned that my roomie and I finally decided on a theme. Here is kind of what we are going for. The colors are what we already have and we have wooden walls. I am super excited to get everything! We are thinking about making our own shelves... which could be an adventure. Hopefully the decorations will make our basement apartment look less like a dungeon.

Easy cooking for a Saturday meal

Easy Cooking
So I've decided to do a new segment every Saturday called Easy Cooking. I love stumbling upon blogs that have amazing, cheap, and easy recipes. Maybe someone will find my recipes as helpful as I've found other peoples. The recipes will be about anything and everything... as long as it's easy, cheap, and yummy that is. My first recipe is over something my mom use to make me all the time. Spinach spaghetti. I've been craving it lately and decided it would be a healthy lunch. I hope you find this delicious.


how to prepare

Finished product

Add a salad and this dish is perfect for a light, healthy meal. I hope you enjoy it!! 


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My daily addiction

Coffee Date

Coffee Date by on">
Lately I have started a horrible and costly addiction... Getting daily coffee. It started out as being just a couple times a week, but now it has spiraled out of control and has become a daily ritual. From a health standpoint it's not bad. I just get a small coffee with 2 tbls with skim milk, no sugar. For my bank account it is adding up though. I spend about $2 a day... That's around $14 a week...$56 a month... $672 a year. Just seeing that written out makes me nauseous. I have decided to take this addiction by the horns and stop it before it gets up to $672 a year. Instead I'm going to try and save that money for when I'm out of college and actually having to live on my own... That's about a months rent... Rent vs. a year of coffee... Tough choice. I'm sure I'll appreciate it later on though. I can't just stop my addiction cold turkey though. I'm still going to drink coffee... just not buy it from a coffee shop everyday. I'll keep you updated on how it goes. Today was day 1 and it was hard not to stop by the coffee shop between class, but I succeeded.

I was thinking about getting one of these cups. Maybe if I get one I'll make my iced coffee at home, but be able to take it to class. It would only cost one time fee of $9.99+ coffee... A lot better than $672. And it's earth friendly! 

Hopefully with the money saved up I can buy the super cute dress and cardi in the picture up above! I have been designing different outfits on Polyvore. This site is amazing and it is making me very excited for spring! Enjoy hump day tomorrow!


Monday, March 7, 2011

A new found love

My friend Lo, over at Classy and Fab Girl, introduced me to this website today. I instantly fell in love with the site called Pinterest. The site is for finding everything you love from food, photography, fashion, and gifts. After I saw this site I just had to share it! Below are just a few things I "pinned". I had captions on them but for some reason they're messing up the format. I'll try to repost later.


Thanks Lo for showing me this site! I'm sure I'll be pinning more soon. What are some of the things you love?


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oh, the difficulties of decorating with a roomie

First off, this past weekend I went back home for a mini-vacation. It was much needed, this semester has been super stressful! When I got there my dad had a surprise for me... a super cute B. Makowsky purse!

 I am absolutely in love with it! 

Sorry I just had to share my excitement! I also want to apologize for my lack of blogging. I've been busy trying to redesign how it looks. I just can't settle with anything that I've come up with yet. What are your thoughts on the current one? 

Anyways...Since the weather has been nice lately I finally brought myself to do a little spring cleaning. I cleaned the whole apartment from the counters, down to our toothbrush holder. I hadn't realized how icky it has been getting and it was defiantly nice to have it all clean again! It also made me realize that the apartment needs redecorating for spring. Since day 1 my roomie and I have been unable to agree on how to decorate the living room and it's looking pretty bare at the moment. 

The bareness has been driving me crazy, but we couldn't find a balance between what we both liked. Then last week it happened! We finally agreed!!! Over spring break I think we are going to start redecorating. No worries I will post pictures when it's all done. Right now we are thinking about hanging shelves over the futon, moving the candle holder to the corner, and then the picture frames over the lamp. Super excited!

We still haven't agreed on what to put on the coffee table... but we've made progress! Any ideas of what would look cute there?